Gear yourself up....

Friday, 31 August 2012


                 If You Get Any Error Message That "Any Dll.File Missing" When You Installed a Game Or Software Visit The Below Link For Missing .Dll Files Download Them And Add Them In "System32" Folder..............



Download Free New Softwares...........

Firefox 16.0 Beta 1
Team Viewer 7.0.14484
Google Chrome 23.0.1246.0 Dev
Backtrack 5R3 Operating System
Virtual Box 4.1.20
VMWare Workstation 9.0


                       Update Your system Bios Version , drivers From Respective Company Website Using service Tag... So The Computer Performance Will Be Increased And You Will Be Amazed............


TODAY Iam Going to say you some of the notepad tricks...so that you can impress your friends by your computer skills.


This is a simple trick. Follow the steps below:
*. open notepad
*. type "Q33N"(with out quotes)
*. NOW increase the font size to 72
*. now change the font style to 'windings'
*. now see the magic


second trick
*. open notepad
*. type "BUSH HID THE FACTS"(with out quotes)
*. now save it with any file name
*. now open the file again
*. now see the magic


third trick
*. want to write a personal dairy,like when ever you open the notepad file Date and time wil be inserted automatically.
*. just open notepad
*. type ".LOG"(with out quotes.
*. save it with any file name
*. now open it,date and time wil be inserted automatically


Test Your Anti-Virus
You can also test your anti virus program for its effectiveness usingasimple notepad trick. Follow the steps below to know more:
*. Open Notepad.
*. Copy the code give below in the notepad file:
*. Save it with an.exe extension like testvirus.exe
As soon as you save this file, your anti virus program will detect the file (virus)immediately and will attempt to delete it. If this happens then your Antivirus is working properly. If not, then its time to look for some other reliable program.


Matrix Effect
Not much to explain, just follow the stepsand see the amazing matrix effect happenin your DOS window:
*. Open Notepad.
*. Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:
@echo off color 02 :start echo%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random% goto start
*. Save the file with.bat extension like Matrix.bat
Thats it. Just open the file to see the matrix effect right before your eyes!


a. WinXP Bootup disks from MS

b. Password Reset disk - in case you forget your password.

c. A copy of your NTDETECT.COM, boot.ini, and ntldr files in a floppy. Make sure that you do not format it as a DOS or boot disk. Make sure the floppy is COMPLETELY EMPTY. You will need that when you can't boot to Windows due to one of them being corrupted. Boot up to that floppy and you will see what I mean. Your computer will boot up to it, then reads the 3 files, and then transfer control over to your system partition. All the 3 files are in the C:\ . Again, make sure all hidden files are made visible. Otherwise you can't find them.

d. Emergency disk created by your antivirus

e. Install Recovery Console if you are using XP. Not too sure if other Windows have this. And hopefully, you installed the Recovery Console before you installed SP2 of XP. :)

f. Back up your MBR. In my MCH Forums ( http://mycomputerheadaches.tz4.com), sorry shameless plug, there is a How To and Tutorial Forum and in it is a Backup Primer that I wrote. Follow my instructions there if you are brave enough :). Oh, the link is:
How to back up the MBR (Master Boot Record)

g. Back up your BIOS either manually by copying them with pen and paper or by special-purpose utilities. I did mine using both methods :)

h. This is optional:
Clone your pristine partitions, without the spyware, any virus, defragged and scandisked, with all temp files deleted too. Use Acronis True Image. Install all your favorite programs and utilities then clone your whole drive on CDs, DVDs or another drive. To some people, this is a must.